Saturday, January 14, 2012

Slimming down

With the clock ticking down to EOTW, what would you strive for; consuming as much as possible before the end, or pursuing less material goals?  I'm somewhere in the middle.  You already know by now that food and Star Trek are a big part of the plans for this year, so is losing some weight (yeah, good luck with that, right?)

I also want to shed some of my debt and material possessions. Yup, strange as it may sound for those who want to live it up this year, I'd like to leave the world a little bit lighter!

Bucket Mission: Debt

Pay off the one credit card on which I carry over a balance from one month to the next.  I'm not going to tell you how much that is until the end  :-)  Suffice it to say that I have divided the balance by 11 and will pay it off before EOTW!

To help with the credit card debt project, I have two additional trackable goals:
  • Reduce monthly expenses by $400/month.  This is not going to be easy...
  • Earn $2,500 through the sale of some of my possessions.  I have lots of excess stuff to get rid of!

In the spirit of slimming down, Marcie and I stopped at some donation drop boxes today, where I dropped off books in a "Big Hearted Books" collection box.  They also accept video and audio media, too, so I'll have to keep that in mind.

Drops from My 2012 Bucket: Jan. 14, 342 days remaining

Balance of Terror  (1/7, Run Silent, Run Deep ... Starship style)
Shore Leave  (1/7, a day at the Amusement Planet)
The Galileo Seven (1/8, those spears made me laugh)
The Squire of Gothos  (1/12, Kirk should have given him a timeout)
Arena  (1/14, Kirk mano a mano with a lizard-man)

Video Mission Update: 19 / 728 hours = 2.6%

OK, so I got off to a good start with the debt project by closing down my Extra Space storage unit.  No sense keeping a unit of stuff that Darrell Sheets would bid $1 on!

Monthly Expense Mission Update: $103 / $400 per month = 26%

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