Saturday, January 28, 2012

On Death Row

(January 27)

Yes, everyone, we've been given a death sentence to be carried out on December 21, and sorry to say that the governor will not be able to pardon us this time!

Years ago I mused on what I would want for my final meal on death row, and I selected the steak tip salad from Omega Pizza, probably because I ate it once a week and it was my favorite at the time.  It is certainly better than the steak tip salad offering from Lake Williams Pizza that I tried today, which featured thin jerky-like pieces of steak.  I guess it was steak.

In all seriousness, the topic of capital punishment is one that requires a lot of discussion.  What's your stance?  Did the Cheshire Connecticut home invasion killers deserve the death sentence?  Here's a juror who doesn't feel he made the right decision in hindsight.

In my worldview the jurors did the right thing -- nay, they did the only thing possible -- by sentencing these wanton family destroyers, these who would treat the very core fabric of what we have built society upon as nothing more than so much tissue to shred apart at their whim, to a certain demise.  Of course, they shall languish on death row for a very long time (and that is a different topic), but in the end, they shall be dispatched from this world that they must have despised so much in committing those heinous acts.

I am not in favor of the death penalty because I carry revenge in my heart; I feel nothing more than the soberness of doing what must be done to preserve the social fabric for those who remain in the free world.  I am not in favor of the death penalty out of some sense of "playing God" with the lives of men; that would be no different than how the killers played God with the Petit family and found them unworthy of life.

Some may suggest that the world is nothing more than random events, that bad things happen to good people for no reason.  I think this is a naive worldview, and I hope to return to this topic before the year is up.

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