Monday, July 2, 2012

Love on the Holodeck


The 3rd season TNG episode "Booby Trap" doesn't stand out particularly from the others, but I thought I'd remark on LaForge's subplot.  In the beginning, we see our charming Chief Engineer striking out with a lovely colleague within a beachside simulation on the holodeck.  Not being popular with the girls -- well that's something most any nerd can confirm.  Later in the episode, when the Enterprise is snared in a radiation booby trap and it is up to Geordi to figure out how to configure the engines to escape, he enlists the help of a holographic representation of one of the early designers of warp engines, who just so happens to be an attractive woman named Dr. Leah Brahms.  And, given her area of expertise, a much more suitable match for LaForge than his earlier date.  Too bad that she isn't real, because it leads to this exchange at the story's end...

LaForge: Maybe we can do it again some time.
Brahms: I'm with you every day, Geordi. Every time you look at this engine, you're looking at me. Every time you touch it, it's me.

Then they kiss.  At this moment, I felt my gorge rise and began to rethink the episode title "Booby Trap."

Putting aside the humor, the notion of virtual reality is certainly intriguing, and given another few years that we do not have, we would likely see some big breakthroughs in the technology that would perhaps make VR a mainstream commodity.  And when that happens, will humans use the technology to fill the gaps in our basic emotional needs, or will we abuse the technology and become sullen addicts, unable to function in the real world outside the holodeck?  Star Trek depicts the former, at least aboard the Enterprise.  I suppose being a crew member aboard a vessel that explores our galaxy is stimulating work in its own right!

Burger Challenge Update:  Started simple with the McDonald's Daily Double.  Not bad; like a Big Mac minus the special sauce and sesame seeds and plus tomato.  It was small enough that I had enough room for a Dunkin Donuts Roast Beef Bakery Sandwich.  Does not qualify for the burger challenge, but I did not want to miss this before it left the stores.  Great blend of meat, cheese and horseradish on warm bakery bread.

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