Saturday, July 14, 2012

Burger Digest

7/5  Today I tried Wendy's "W" cheeseburger -- pretty good simple cheeseburger fare.  I wanted to try their new signature sides, but I didn't see them on the menu in the partiucular store I went to.

7/6  My colleagues and I went to the headquarters for lunch today. It was a great day for that since half the company is on vacation this week. No lines in the cafeteria. I ate the standard Angus cheeseburger.

Movie night tonight: 2010 Repo Men. Now, even your replacement body parts aren't safe!

7/7  Even Papa Gino's makes burgers. I had the American Classic -- not bad at all, although they put mayo on it. I feel like mayo is a more recent addition to burger condiments, at least in my neck of the woods.  I like mayo on burgers, I guess, but it gets me thinking back to how profusely Bruce Willis complained about it in The Whole Nine Yards.

7/8  To welcome my sister-in-law to the States, I threw some meats on the grill: kielbasa, ham steak, and Bubba Angus burgers. I ended up eating my burger plain with one slice of cheddar cheese and it was really good!

7/9  Yesterday's burger reminded me of Five Guys, so naturally that's where I had to go today. Sadly, they messed up my order: they left off the bacon and jalapeno. The resulting burger was still yummy, but I wonder if they're losing their touch.

In work news, I finally had the chance to install and play with Eclipse Juno a little.

7/10  It was a great day to be in Boston and to ride along with my sister-in-law on the duck boat tour. Before that though we decided to eat lunch in the Prudential Center's food court. That's where I tried what is easily the worst burger that I've had this month so far. The name of the counter was called Flamers, and I do not recommend it.

7/11  I'd been thinking about how to insert a chili burger into my challenge schedule.  I'm pretty sure I've never had one though I've had chili dogs many times. It seems wishes have a way of working themselves out eventually. At the 42 cafeteria today their special entrée was hand formed burgers with a variety of toppings including chili, so you know when I had for lunch!

7/12  It was a beautiful day so I walked up the street to the Marathon restaurant for lunch with a few colleagues. They've just introduced their new menu but thankfully their burger recipe hasn't changed. Still the same great toasted buttery bun. Their french fries were a disappointment and due to a timing snafu, they came after the burger.

Caught the first 6 episode season of a Britcom called "Inbetweeners" tonight on Netflix.  I love the short seasons of British television; so easy to absorb.

7/14  The Carolina BBQ burger from Burger King. I should mention about now that my stomach is really feeling interesting.  Yeah, this is the first time I'm really thinking about the prospect of not completing this challenge -- we'll see in a few more days.

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