Saturday, July 14, 2012

Thank God It's Friday the 13th


I was happy to have a chance to try the Jack Daniels burger at TGIF's one final time -- I love that glaze. And I didn't even need to inquire about what Friday the 13th is like at a TGIF's, since the bar staff was buzzing about it. I asked my bartender what time the crazies start coming in and he said, "I don't know, but I get off at nine o'clock and I'm not sticking around to find out."

That evening, I started my horror movie mini-marathon: Tim Burton's Sleepy Hollow followed by cult classic Children of the Corn.  Although this is the last Friday the 13th ever, we still have the build up to the last Halloween for more spooky fun to come...

Burger Digest

7/5  Today I tried Wendy's "W" cheeseburger -- pretty good simple cheeseburger fare.  I wanted to try their new signature sides, but I didn't see them on the menu in the partiucular store I went to.

7/6  My colleagues and I went to the headquarters for lunch today. It was a great day for that since half the company is on vacation this week. No lines in the cafeteria. I ate the standard Angus cheeseburger.

Movie night tonight: 2010 Repo Men. Now, even your replacement body parts aren't safe!

7/7  Even Papa Gino's makes burgers. I had the American Classic -- not bad at all, although they put mayo on it. I feel like mayo is a more recent addition to burger condiments, at least in my neck of the woods.  I like mayo on burgers, I guess, but it gets me thinking back to how profusely Bruce Willis complained about it in The Whole Nine Yards.

7/8  To welcome my sister-in-law to the States, I threw some meats on the grill: kielbasa, ham steak, and Bubba Angus burgers. I ended up eating my burger plain with one slice of cheddar cheese and it was really good!

7/9  Yesterday's burger reminded me of Five Guys, so naturally that's where I had to go today. Sadly, they messed up my order: they left off the bacon and jalapeno. The resulting burger was still yummy, but I wonder if they're losing their touch.

In work news, I finally had the chance to install and play with Eclipse Juno a little.

7/10  It was a great day to be in Boston and to ride along with my sister-in-law on the duck boat tour. Before that though we decided to eat lunch in the Prudential Center's food court. That's where I tried what is easily the worst burger that I've had this month so far. The name of the counter was called Flamers, and I do not recommend it.

7/11  I'd been thinking about how to insert a chili burger into my challenge schedule.  I'm pretty sure I've never had one though I've had chili dogs many times. It seems wishes have a way of working themselves out eventually. At the 42 cafeteria today their special entrĂ©e was hand formed burgers with a variety of toppings including chili, so you know when I had for lunch!

7/12  It was a beautiful day so I walked up the street to the Marathon restaurant for lunch with a few colleagues. They've just introduced their new menu but thankfully their burger recipe hasn't changed. Still the same great toasted buttery bun. Their french fries were a disappointment and due to a timing snafu, they came after the burger.

Caught the first 6 episode season of a Britcom called "Inbetweeners" tonight on Netflix.  I love the short seasons of British television; so easy to absorb.

7/14  The Carolina BBQ burger from Burger King. I should mention about now that my stomach is really feeling interesting.  Yeah, this is the first time I'm really thinking about the prospect of not completing this challenge -- we'll see in a few more days.

A Family 4th

I had entertained the notion of going somewhere interesting and special for the final Fourth of July this year, but when you get right down to it, isn't a great to spend America's birthday with your family?


At lunch today some colleagues and I tried out Ted's Montana Grill, where they specialize in both beef and buffalo. I think we all tried buffalo burgers and they really live up to the expectations.  Don't ask me if I ever plan to spend $16 on a burger again, though.

Naturally, our lunchtime conversation centered around buffalo and one guy brought up the Simpsons episode where they take a trip across the country chasing and killing all the buffalo along the way. So I thought for sure that I needed to find that episode on Netflix tonight, only problem is that the Simpsons are not on Netflix. I must be going crazy because I thought for certain the Simpsons were available, but it must have been a case of confusing it with another animated series...

Anyway, it turns out in the middle of the afternoon I made the decision to take Marcie that evening to see the fireworks program at the Old Sturbridge Village with her cousin and aunt and grandmother. Well worth it!


The Fourth of July started off with some rain showers, but turned into a great day. Marcie and I headed back to the grandparents' house for a little grilling and water games. I supplied onion soup marinated burgers with baby Swiss cheese, a combo I really like...

That evening, I embarked upon an editorial project involving a family member, and that's probably all I'm allowed to say about it in this blog! I'm pretty late getting started on the project, and I hope to have it wrapped up before this month's end.

Monday, July 2, 2012

My Blog, Since 2012

Audience survey question of the day:  at what point is it acceptable to use the word "Since" with your company or product?  For example, the Goldenberg's Peanut Chews were marked "Since 1917," a pretty great accomplishment having a viable product for nearly 100 years.  When I see the word "Since" used in this manner I smile and think back to my time in Korea, where some shops would label their signs with a year 1 or 2 years prior.  As in "Since 1995" in 1996.  Remembering how quickly businesses would turn over in the trendy spots in Seoul, I suppose there is something to said for making it for one year.

Burger Challenge Update:  Ate the Kain Steakhouse burger at Bugaboo Creek in Milford.  My first time to Bugaboo Creek since a colleague and I discovered the North Shore Mall branch was closed.  It's getting harder to find them in Massachusetts...

Love on the Holodeck


The 3rd season TNG episode "Booby Trap" doesn't stand out particularly from the others, but I thought I'd remark on LaForge's subplot.  In the beginning, we see our charming Chief Engineer striking out with a lovely colleague within a beachside simulation on the holodeck.  Not being popular with the girls -- well that's something most any nerd can confirm.  Later in the episode, when the Enterprise is snared in a radiation booby trap and it is up to Geordi to figure out how to configure the engines to escape, he enlists the help of a holographic representation of one of the early designers of warp engines, who just so happens to be an attractive woman named Dr. Leah Brahms.  And, given her area of expertise, a much more suitable match for LaForge than his earlier date.  Too bad that she isn't real, because it leads to this exchange at the story's end...

LaForge: Maybe we can do it again some time.
Brahms: I'm with you every day, Geordi. Every time you look at this engine, you're looking at me. Every time you touch it, it's me.

Then they kiss.  At this moment, I felt my gorge rise and began to rethink the episode title "Booby Trap."

Putting aside the humor, the notion of virtual reality is certainly intriguing, and given another few years that we do not have, we would likely see some big breakthroughs in the technology that would perhaps make VR a mainstream commodity.  And when that happens, will humans use the technology to fill the gaps in our basic emotional needs, or will we abuse the technology and become sullen addicts, unable to function in the real world outside the holodeck?  Star Trek depicts the former, at least aboard the Enterprise.  I suppose being a crew member aboard a vessel that explores our galaxy is stimulating work in its own right!

Burger Challenge Update:  Started simple with the McDonald's Daily Double.  Not bad; like a Big Mac minus the special sauce and sesame seeds and plus tomato.  It was small enough that I had enough room for a Dunkin Donuts Roast Beef Bakery Sandwich.  Does not qualify for the burger challenge, but I did not want to miss this before it left the stores.  Great blend of meat, cheese and horseradish on warm bakery bread.

A Joyous Occasion


My cousin tied the knot with his lovely bride at the Second Congregational Church of Palmer.  Reception followed on the picturesque grounds of Salem Cross Inn with sumptuous prime rib...  great to have a chance to see this place one more time before our time is up!


I finish up the first half of 2012 with a viewing of the animated film 9, which is set in a post-apocalyptic world without surviving humans.  That is another wrinkle in this whole EOTW business; perhaps it just means the end of the world for humans, while the rest of the Earth will go on without us.  Yes, a distinct possiblilty.

Recommended additional viewing: Life after People, a series which doesn't discuss how humans disappear, rather what happens to all of our creations in the wake of our sudden and total disappearance.

I begin the second half of the year with a food challenge worthy of grill season... I must eat one burger each day for the month of July.  As much as possible, try burgers from different establishments or different styles.  Yeah, not a challenge worthy of "Man vs. Food", but I can assure you that this is something I have never attempted before, nor would I try it again.