Sunday, November 11, 2012

Fall weekend

After another long hiatus, I return to this blog on a perfect fall weekend -- clear skies and temperatures in the 60s.  One could never imagine that we are about 40 days from EOTW!  Fall has always been my favorite season in New England, and, outside of Hurricane Sandy, this year has been fabulous.


A fabulous day for a 4.5 mile walk on the local rail trail -- I've mainly walked, not run, since my half marathon of September 30.  Today I walked to the Marlborough/Hudson town line, enjoying the unique aroma of the fall leaves along the trail, and the crunch underfoot.

Not very far away though, in New York and New Jersey, there are many who are still enduring the devastation brought on by Hurricane Sandy.  My town got off comparatively lightly this time.  Hurricane Irene from last year had greater impact.

My company has been active in donating to the disaster relief effort and I made sure today to donate to the Red Cross and use my company's online matching funds tool.


Browncoat veterans rejoice!  On this Veterans Day the Science cable network is hosting a reunion of cast and crew of Firefly called "Browncoats Unite."  The show is preceded by an airing of the entire short-lived series, which I already own on blu-ray, so I will skip out on the marathon.

It's fitting that Firefly gets a nod in my blog.  Were it not for my Star Trek mission, there are many other programs I would have spent time with this year, and I'm sure Firefly would have been high on the list for a repeat viewing.  Walking Dead would also have been a major contender, and a thematically relevant one to boot!

On a serious note, special appreciation to US veterans and active duty military personnel -- your efforts do help preserve the peace and freedom we enjoy at home!

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